

Through this ancient Manor and Hundred many sights and sites of historical interest have disappeared, as though they had never been. One such place was Bedmangore Wood, not much more than a copse really, it was situated opposite the eastern entrance to Lynsted Park. Here until the late sixteenth century stood the Manor House of Bedmangore. It was bought from Sir Robert de Shurland of Sheppey by William de Apuldefeld. His family and descendants lived there until 1599 when it was deemed to be too small and Lynsted Lodge was built.

In the spring the wood was carpeted with violets and primroses. As a boy I thought this a magical place and visited it many times. I felt at home here, a sort of sense of belonging. Then one day I discovered a strange fact, the Apuldefeld family, who lived at the Manor all those hundreds of years ago, came from Cudham, a small village near Biggin Hill, the village where I was born!

I knew a wood
A secret wood
They call it Bedmangore

Wild flowers grew
Wild Birds flew
In my wood at Bedmangore

The sunshine played
On a leafy glade
In my wood at Bedmangore

The moon shone too
When owls flew
In my wood at Bedmangore

What tales were told
By men of old
In my wood at Bedmangore

For many a year
Peace reigned here
In my wood at Bedmangore

Then the axe man came
And the farmer came
To my wood at Bedmangore

At the roots they tore
Alas it is no more
My wood at Bedmangore.

Teynham Parish Council Website