
Christmas Eve Night

It was Christmas Eve, night
With the sleigh in full flight
Prancer was given his head.
Children were undressed
Bade “Good night” and “God Blessed”
And safely tucked in their bed.

In the room down below
By the fire-light’s glow
There were last minute preparations,
Parcels were packed
And neatly stacked
By the tree with decorations.

With one more job to be done
For it was now nearly one
They quietly crept up the stairs,
A peep round the door
Then creep over the floor
To fill stockings to answer their prayers.

Now off to their beds
Lay down weary heads
What hasn’t been done can now keep.
But they should know
What all parents know
This wasn’t a night for much sleep.

It happened quite fast When a toy trumpet’s blast
Shattered the peaceful scene!
Then a bang on a drum
And “Look Dad --- look Mum”
And cries of “He’s been! he’s been!! he’s been!!!

Teynham Parish Council Website