

As you are all aware by now, this August (1995) marks the fiftieth anniversary of the end of the second World War. Although my poem is in memory of my old school friend Flying Officer G.S. {Tiffy} Button, who sadly died in a plane crash immediately after the war, it is dedicated to those other school pals who were killed in the 1939-45 conflict. Men like Georgie Drury, "Jacko" Boorman, "Nibby" Parish and Frank and "Chubby" Horsenail, and to all the others from the village who made the supreme sacrifice. May they never be forgotten.

Tiffy was a school boy
Attending Barrow Green
Tiffy was a smart lad
A scholar very keen.

Tiffy was a choir boy
Who loved to sing a song
Tiffy was a Boy Scout
But not for very long.

For Tiffy joined the Air Force
To learn to crew a plane
Tiffy flew to Wales one night
And ne'er came home again.

Tiffy was a friend
The best you could have had
Tiffy died a young man......
So, brave, but oh so sad!!