- Anne of Cleves Estate
- Shop at Barrow Green
- Conyer Creek
- Teynham Public HousesNW
- Bishop's Palace, Teynham
- Greestreet Methodist Church
- St Mary's Church
- Barrow Green School
Building and Opening of Greenstreet Methodist Church in Lynsted Lane
Stone Laying Ceremony of the Greenstreet Methodist Church in Lynsted Lane' This photograph was taken on the19th September 1928 when the foundation stones for the building were laid.
The stone laying picture was taken with the party arranged in the space between the church and the old schoolroom. This looks like a building site but was laid to flower beds on completion of the work and has now made way for the access drive to the car park at the rear. This is used by both the church and the occupants of the dwellings in the old schoolroom. The key is also attached but has a few gaps so if anyone can fill any of them we would be very grateful. Any information you have please send to the Clerk to the Parish Council who will forward it on.
Standing (L to R): Fred Johnson, builder of Newton Road Faversham, later Alderman, unknown, Mr Carrier? Mr G F Roper (of Roper & Etherington, estate agents, valuers and rent collectors – also organist at Preston Street), Dot Smith, unknown, Miss Bassant of Athelstan Road, Phyllis Patching, Mr William Coe, Mr Partis, local preacher, Rev J J Leedal (later Minister at Faversham), Rev J Wesley Hughes;
Seated (L to R): unknown, Mrs Gentry, Sir Walter Berry, Rev A E Nightingale, Brenda Gentry, unknown, unknown, Mrs Barton? unknown, George Johnson (father of Fred);
Front row: children all unknown.

Internal layout of Greenstreet Methodist Church in Lynsted Lane as it was when opened on the 1st May 1929 (note the gas lamps)

and a
view of the outside taken from across Lynsted Lane.